Big Red Trumpet Spinmasters
The Spinmaster is a very important position in the BRB Trumpet Section. It is the Spinmaster's duty to call the spins while we are marching in parade formation. The Spinmaster should be loud, since all the Trumpets have to hear them over the percussion. They should be in command: they are the only member of the BRB who regularly breaks rank while parading. Of course, the rest of the Trumpets will do so on their command...
The current spins that we use are:
- Bionic Spin (single or double, for an exponent of 2 beats)
- Disco Trumpet
- Super Hybridized SP3 Orbital Spin
- The Inverse-Rodney on Wonderbread (or SourDough, whichever is available)
- Hop and Scream
- Tori Ball March (Named after Tori Ball '05)
- The Big Time Walk (Named after Big Time '16)
- The Trumpet-By
- Trumpet Laser
- Starfish
A list of retired spins:
Here is the not-quite-so-complete list of Big Red Trumpet Spinmasters. May they spin and scream like maniacs forever!!!
2025 - Kelly "Komet" Leiby '26
2024 - David "Dubs" Kaprielian '25
2023 - Bobby "Duck" Haig '25
2022 - Mallory "Gizmo" Esponda '23
2021 - Joseph "Cups" Sugarmann '22
2020 - Peter VandeVort '21
2019 - Peter VandeVort '21
2018 - Ximena Sanchez '20
2017 - Bethany Angeliu '18
2016 - Mary "the Pirate" Amper '18
2015 - Henry "Pinto" Smith '17
2014 - Louis "Luigi" Widom '16
2013 - Evan "Schwegger" Holmes '15
2012 - Nick "Inky" Lamson '14
2011 - Scott "Telly Monster" DeVries '13
2010 - Greg "Frodo" Berman '12
2009 - Adam "Kegger" Drenkard '11
2008 - Zach "ShardZ" Glass '09
2007 - Eric "Frack" Frackleton '08
2006 - Dave Samuels '07
2005 - Greg "Woj" Wojtaszczyk '07
2004 - James Healy '06
2003 - Tori Ball '05
2002 - Allison Derr '04
2001 - Carl Regelmann '02
2000 - Carl Regelmann '02
1999 - Brian "Cody" Cody '00
1998 - Brian "Cody" Cody '00
1997 - Jay Bartelo '98
1996 - Jay Bartelo '98
1995 - Alec Hopkins '96
1994 - Mike Stratemeier '95
1993 - Mike Stratemeier '95
1992 - Larry Chan '93
1991 - Larry Chan '93
1990 - Jeff "Dr. Old Guy" Weintraub '91
1989 - Jeff "Dr. Old Guy" Weintraub '91
1988 - Marc Goldman '90
1987 - Peter Lee '88
1986 - Tom Baxter '88
1985 - Todd Hines '86
1984 - Todd Hines '86
1983 - Todd Hines '86
1982 - Todd Tobias '83